Saturday, July 31, 2010

Touching My Toes to the Water...

Growing up, I remember fondly of going to Caney Creek Swimming Pool or Happy Valley's pool and not knowing what the water temperature was before going in the water.  I was one of those who had to touch my toes to the water to see if the water was right before going in.  Usually, I was pushed in and the shock was greater!

So here I am, touching my fingers to the keyboard of a larger pool...the blogging pool.  This is my first blog.  For someone who enjoys writing, computers and the Internet, it should be easy, right?  It isn't.  It reminds me a lot of trying to learn to swim.  Growing up, I didn't learn how to swim until my wife started showing me the basics.  Today, I can swim (barely, enough to be dangerous) and get around in the pool but I have more to learn.  It's the same way about life.  Just when I thought I had some of life's obstacles and problems figured out, I find out I have more to deal with.  Now, it's time to verbalize my thoughts and opinions I have kept quiet about or on the burner at low heat in my mind and get them out in the open. 

So here I am, beginning a blog in the blogging pool.  My first real post will begin with a big splash.  After that, I am hoping that all the lessons my wife taught me about treading water will hold true and the belief that you have to stick to your guns and stand up sometimes to be heard and understood.  More on this later...